
Forever Family: Genesis

This session is near and dear to my heart. It is my very first “official” Forever Family session! I have teamed up with City Without Orphans to capture adoptions. Either a be on site for the in-court adoption or provide a personal one hour photo session on location to capture this special time. These sessions are to provide timeless images for those who have been called to adopt. They are to highlight the joy of becoming a  forever family based on unconditional love rooted in Christ. Kristi was kind enough to share a few words about her story and our session together…

“My adoption story began in August 2011 when I decided I wanted to adopt.  I began the process and was told that since I was a single woman it would be two years before a child was placed with me. Well they didn’t know my God.  I was approved in January 2012 and was told in March that I was picked to be the mom of a beautiful 3 year old named Genesis. Gen moved home the next month.  It was a challenge going from single to single mom but it has been a joyful life change all around. The first time she told me she loved me and when she called me mommy are two highlights that will stay with me always. It took a few months before her smile started to appear but when it did she would light up the room. In July 2013 I was finally allowed to be her forever mommy.  I will not forget the moment when the judge said from henceforth she shall be known as Genesis Kristi Forshee. I am so grateful to Kim for holding these Forever Family sessions.  Kim was great with Genesis and allowed her to be her silly self and to run off some excess energy.  She got Gen to smile and laugh and relax during the whole session.  I am so glad that I’ll have these pictures to remind us of our adoption day; the day we officially became the Forshee family. “

May God bless your beautiful family always!