
‘Tis the Season

Tonight the hubs and I went to pick out our Christmas tree! Headed out to the lot where a local family sets up each year. They sell their trees every year to put their kiddos through college. They were so proud to tell us one graduated this year! “One down, one to go!” she said. Such a great example they are as parents showing their kids how to work for what they want in life. Just warms my heart.

We got it home, turned on the Christmas tunes and started right in. Since our tree last year was one of my most “pinned” photos {over 111 times!} last year I decided to have a fun little shoot with our pup. For those of you who don’t know him, let me introduce you to Sir Remington the Great {Remi for short ;)}  our one year old black lab. He is a spoiled boy and we love him so!
